The 18k gold copy watches have moon phases.

Luxury Fake Omega Speedmaster 304. Watches UK With Moon Phases

Since old days, people have nice yearnings for the moon. In 1969, human being walked on the moon for the first time. It is impossible that every one have the lucky chance to reach the moon. However, you can see the changes of the moon by splendid copy watches with moon phases. Popular Omega Speedmaster witnessed the moonfall mission in 1969, so this series is also called Moon Watch.

The advanced replica watches are worth having.
Advanced Replica Omega Speedmaster 304. Watches

In this post, I’d like to share you the prominent replica Omega Speedmaster 304. watches. Equipped with caliber 9905, the self-winding mechanical watches have 60 hours power reserve and can resist magnetic field to 15,000 gauss. You can see the advanced movements from the transparent sapphire backs.

The 18k gold copy watches have moon phases.
18K Gold Copy Omega Speedmaster 304. Watches

Except for excellent movements, the perfect fake Omega watches have luxury materials. The cases are made from 18k gold and the black straps are made from alligator leather. Matched with the black straps, the elaborate watches have black ceramic bezels with tachymetre scales. Besides, they have silvery dials with 18k gold hour marks and hands covered with luminant coating, chronograph sub-dials, date displays and moon phases.

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